Driving informative and engaging discussions on Gen V security
amongst top Indian IT executives

Check Point CPX 360 2019

Mumbai & Bengaluru

Check Point Software Technologies is a leading worldwide provider of Gen V Security to corporates and governments. In order to provide a deeper understanding of the current challenges in cyber security and complex cyber threats, Check Point organizes CPX 360, a premier cyber security summit for their partners and customers.

This year, Check Point decided to host CPX 360 for the first time in India to establish itself as a cyber-security provider of choice. The brief was simple – CPX sessions deliver analysis, insights and training which needed to be enhanced by impressive décor and activities that would engage their audience while simultaneously disseminating knowledge or practical experience.

Check Point CPX 360 2019
Check Point CPX 360 2019
Check Point CPX 360 2019

Check Point decided to host the event in Mumbai and Bangalore, targeting IT professionals and experts including CSOs, CIOs, IT managers and administrators. We started by using an experiential marketing mindset, planning the overall experience and then deep diving into individual elements that would attract, engage and excite the audience.

A key focus area was the stage and set design as attendees would spend the majority of time learning more about the intricacies of cybersecurity through individual speaker sessions. The stage was designed as an amalgamation of LED and print, with the outermost panels used for branding.

Check Point CPX 360 2019
Check Point CPX 360 2019

The conference also featured several unique sponsor booths in the pre-function area which was created keeping the space constraints of the venue in mind. A separate group activity called Cyber Range was also conducted where attendees had to split into teams of three to face a futuristic AI creation in a hands-on cyber attack simulation that enabled a practical learning experience for Gen V security.

Overall, the event flowed seamlessly at both locations with attendees gaining invaluable insights from prominent specialists. Each session was curated keeping in mind the attendee journey which helped orchestrate a remarkable experience for all the stakeholders involved.

Check Point CPX 360 2019

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