Difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little bit EXTRA!!! Out here we tend to be foolishly wise and wisely foolish. We try to create a work environment where we want to come in and do AWESOME!!! We also know that awesome is independent of hierarchy. NeoDelight is our initiative towards every stakeholder of our business to give a little bit extra than the expectation.
We know that the largest room in the world is the room for improvement!
To deliver our promise we need to improve constantly and then take it a notch higher, We also know that no one can whistle a SYMPHONY, it takes a whole ORCHESTRA to play it, that is why we do not have individual SUPERSTARS, we just have a BLOCKBUSTER team.
When we score a goal, or hit a six, or get a touchdown, we don’t do it for ourselves, we do it for the team because we know that the name in the front of the jersey is more important than the one on the back.
We bring the same pride when we interact with all stakeholders of our business, be it our clients, vendors, partners, our people and the society around us. We know business is more than just the balance sheet.